Access to farming information remains one of the major challenges facing smallholder farmers in Kenya and Africa at large.

Mitahato Education and Development Fund, a community based organization in rural Kenya has launched a one stop shop farmer information platform to provide farmers with farming information freely on: Inputs, market prices, weather updates, simplified manuals, farming videos, agricultures service providers, link to farm finance, event and trainings and agriculture education on their mobile phone.

What is the Goal of FarmLINK Kenya?

FarmLINK Kenya exists to solve the information gap by providing ease of access and utilization of farming information in a timely and interactive manner. This information is geared to empowers farmers to make important farming decisions, increase productivity, reduce post harvest losses and achieve food security.

 How do farmers access information on FarmLINK Kenya Platform?

Farmer access information from FarmLINK Kenya platform from the web portal, SMS/CALL service, push messages and the Social media. See

How many users does FarmLINK Kenya have?

In less than 8 months, FarmLINK Kenya has gained over 30,000 online users in the farming community ranging from starter farmers, lead farmers, farmer groups, students, specialists, NGOS, and Agri-companies who engage actively on different aspects of modern farming.

What is our Competitive Advantage?

Our competitive edge is that we provide real time information and in an interactive way. Our platform is mobile phone user designed and use high quality design in text, imagery and engages real time interaction with farmers on SMS/Call Service and social media. We have also integrated information resources to one site from premier agricultural extension organizations like Karlo, Nafis, Farm Radio International, Access Agriculture, The Organic Farmer-Biovision Africa Trust and Meteorological Department,.

What is our future goal?

Our goal is to expand our farmer and partner network and replicate FarmLINK Kenya in all the 47 counties. FarmLINK will be integrated to the county  departments of agriculture where-by it will stream county specific agri-information, programmes and link county extension officers to the platform. Conversations are going on through the office of Council of Governors to introduce  farmLINK Kenya to county governors and  CECs Agriculture.


What People Say About FarmLINK Kenya

"Thanks FarmLINK for this very important concept for information sharing and techniques on how small scale farming can be profitable and ensure food security in Kenya. Poverty alleviation is a key component to achieving Vision 2030" Wilson Kipkazi

Chairman National Council Of NGOs

Former Chairman Poverty Eradication commission


"This a very resourceful site on agribusiness Especially to the youths venturing in agriculture". Macharia Ndumia- Bee farmer

"Congrats for invaluable insights of agricultural knowledge dissemination through the fastest means possible,SMS, whatsapp and Facebook. FarmLINK is doing tremendous efforts in bringing light to farmers through information sharing & training"

Langat kiptoo-Agricultural Extension Education student at University of Eldoret


"Very good to know more about crops.Very happy to get ideas from the experiences people have. I like it". Kabwita Lawrence-Zambia