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PhD Thesis - Social Capital and Conservation Agriculture

The Role of Social Capital in the Adoption and the Performance of Conservation Agriculture.
The Practice of Likoti in Lesotho

Executive Summary
Laura Silici1
Motho ke motho ka batho. Literally translated as “a person is a person because of other
people”, this Sesotho2 idiom means that people are such only in their  relationships with each other.
As most African populations, in fact, the Basotho3 used to rely on a complex web of livelihood
strategies made primarily of family kinships and strong community networks. More recently,
however, in many African countries, including Lesotho, widespread poverty, migrations,
HIV/AIDS, and increasing pressure on land and other natural resources, have progressively
depleted trust and caused household and community breakdowns. Fragile local institutions and
weak social capital, in turn, affect growth and sustainable development.

Full summary as attachment,

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[.pdf] PhD thesis - Social Capital and CA