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Building up the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region

The YPARD Coordinator travelled to meet with the YPARD LAC coordinator at CIAT in Cali, Colombia.  The pair discussed strategies to build up the region, get more young people interested and activities that could propel the region ahead in 2012.

Plans for the region include increased awareness, displaying the testimonials of young people in the LAC region active in ARD, linking with FORAGRO in the region by providing more information on generational change and engaging with young people in the upcoming GCARD conference in Uruguay in October 2012.

A presentation on YPARD for members of CIAT brought up some interesting questions.   Some items discussed include:

  • ARD is an ‘old’ term and is no longer of interest to young people.
  • It should be clear in how senior/experienced professionals can get involved in the movement.  These are key and influential individuals and it is necessary to include them.
  • Trainings in certain subjects are needed: report writing skills for example.  How can YPARD create these types of opportunities in the region?
  • How can we increase the presence in Brazil?  This is a key country in the region for strong youth representation. 

If you have ideas on how to spread the word in the LAC region or ideas on priorities for young people in the region, please contact us at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

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