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Call for paper: AG Innovation Showcase

Six years ago we saw a need to establish a gathering of innovators, investors, and others in the ag-tech space. We are proud to report that since that time the Ag Innovation Showcase has established a loyal following and community. Beginning with the first Ag Innovation Showcase in 2009, we have featured panels and presentations that address important topics including the development of biofuels and biomaterials, advances in biotechnology, progress in animal health, and, more recently the great changes facing the future of agriculture and the role of biotechnology in agriculture. 

As the premier event where Ag’s biggest names, brightest innovators & most influential investors connect, we encourage the convergence of diverse technology solutions around platforms to help bring the industry to the next level of productivity and sustainability. We are confident in continuing the tradition of creative thinking directed toward profound challenges and great opportunities in agriculture, and we invite you to stay tuned for the 2015 Showcase and the activities to ensue between. 

Six years ago we saw a need to establish a gathering of innovators, investors, and others in the ag-tech space. We are proud to report that since that time the Ag Innovation Showcase has established a loyal following and community. Beginning with the first Ag Innovation Showcase in 2009, we have featured panels and presentations that address important topics including the development of biofuels and biomaterials, advances in biotechnology, progress in animal health, and, more recently the great changes facing the future of agriculture and the role of biotechnology in agriculture. 

As the premier event where Ag’s biggest names, brightest innovators & most influential investors connect, we encourage the convergence of diverse technology solutions around platforms to help bring the industry to the next level of productivity and sustainability. We are confident in continuing the tradition of creative thinking directed toward profound challenges and great opportunities in agriculture, and we invite you to stay tuned for the 2015 Showcase and the activities to ensue between. 

The Ag Innovation Showcase is a joint effort of the Bio Research & Development Growth (BRDG) Park, the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center and the Larta Institute.