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Call for Abstracts: International Conference on Mountains in the Changing World, 1-2 October, 2016, Kathmandu, Nepal

Mountains are a part of global biodiversity repository and play a vital role in maintaining global ecosystems and supporting millions of people. In the mean time they are the most vulnerable to rapid environmental change.

The international conference on “Mountains in the Changing World” (#MoChWo) is organized by the Kathmandu Institute of Applied Sciences in ancient town of Kathmandu from 1-2 October, 2016. It aims to provide a forum for international/national scholars, researchers, policy maker and students with opportunity to share their research findings and knowledge related to various aspects of mountains.

Mountains are a part of global biodiversity repository and play a vital role in maintaining global ecosystems and supporting millions of people. In the mean time they are the most vulnerable to rapid environmental change.

The international conference on “Mountains in the Changing World” (#MoChWo) is organized by the Kathmandu Institute of Applied Sciences in ancient town of Kathmandu from 1-2 October, 2016. It aims to provide a forum for international/national scholars, researchers, policy maker and students with opportunity to share their research findings and knowledge related to various aspects of mountains.

The #MoChWo will focus on a broad range of topics related to mountain ecosystem and sustainable livelihood. The thematic areas are

1.     Disasters, resilience, and adaptation

2.     Biodiversity conservation

3.     Climate change

4.     Environmental pollution

5.     Forest management

6.     Soil, water and atmospheric research

7.     Agriculture and agro-ecology

8.     Sustainable livelihood

9.     Policy for mountain resources and livelihood


Abstracts for the conference can be submitted via its online submission system from 1 April to 15 August 2016. Please click here for details.

All conference participants are required to register. Early bird registration begins on 1 June and ends on 15 August. The regular registration is from 16 August to 20 September. Click here for more information.

Authors will have an opportunity to publish their full research papers in one of these journals: Conservation ScienceEnvironments and Sustainability, and accepted through regular peer review process. 


Contact information

MoChWo2016 secretariat
Kathmandu Institute of Applied Sciences

PO Box 23002, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Convener: Dr. Basant Giri (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Conference website: