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YPARD Nigeria: Call for Mentors for the GLA Program

Providing mentorship is clearly a proven method to help young people succeed in their chosen field. In organisations and companies, employees at all levels are encouraged to have mentors both internally and externally who are best willing to share real-life experience and guidance to help build confident, skills and a better future.

In advancing agriculture for a sustainable future through mentorship, YPARD Nigeria as the Capacity Development Partner of the Grooming Leaders for Agriculture (GLA) Program calls on successful, experienced and senior professionals in various fields of agriculture and life sciences to volunteer as mentors for a year.

Providing mentorship is clearly a proven method to help young people succeed in their chosen field. In organisations and companies, employees at all levels are encouraged to have mentors both internally and externally who are best willing to share real-life experience and guidance to help build confident, skills and a better future.

In advancing agriculture for a sustainable future through mentorship, YPARD Nigeria as the Capacity Development Partner of the Grooming Leaders for Agriculture (GLA) Program calls on successful, experienced and senior professionals in various fields of agriculture and life sciences to volunteer as mentors for a year.

These should be persons who have at least 10 years of professional experience and at least 35 years of age and above.

YPARD Nigeria: Call for Mentors for the GLA Program

To apply, kindly send your CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Deadline is October 15, 2017.

The GLA Program is put together by The Green Generation Initiative in partnership with Ypard Nigeria , Nigerian Women in Agricultural Research and Development(NIWARD), Protect Ozone, Agribusiness Academy.

To learn more about the GLA Program please click on this link