Education and capacity building

Training programs

to guide young professionals in developing their innovative ideas about transforming our agri-food systems.

Webinars and events

promoting theories, best practices, success stories, experiences, and discussions.


in the form of knowledge-sharing, capacity building, and inter-generational exchange.


Global Cafe Series, Local cafes

○ Held in person or as online webinars and capacity building sessions
○ Global Cafe Series coordinated by the GCU, held in collaboration with YPARD members and partners
○ Local and Regional cafes organized by YPARD national chapters
○ Topics range from Accessing climate finance and agroecological workshops, to professional skills building sessions
○ Certification provided for some activities

Policy working groups

Discussion spaces

○ Coordinated by the Global Coordinating Unit (GCU)
○ Participants from YPARD chapters across the globe
○Collaboration with partners like YOUNGO
○ Coaching on policy processes, creating position papers, participating in international advocacy spaces

To know more about our work in education and capacity building, check out our projects.

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