Our Thematic Focuses

All of YPARD's major activities and projects are encompassed
within these themes.


Agroecology is a holistic approach to agri-food systems that integrates ecological principles with social and economic factors to create sustainable food systems. It emphasizes the importance of working with nature rather than against it, promoting biodiversity, soil health, and resilience to environmental challenges.

Green jobs and entrepreneurship

Green jobs in sectors like renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management, and sustainable agriculture focus on reducing emissions, conserving resources, and supporting a sustainable economy. For young entrepreneurs, green jobs offer opportunities to create eco-friendly businesses that address environmental challenges and drive job creation, leading to a greener economy.

Access to resources

Building sustainable agri-food systems means getting access to not just land and finances, but also access to water, seeds, quality infrastructure, and markets. For young professionals, this also includes getting better access to labour markets and the ability to find well compensated jobs in the agri-food systems sector.


Nutrition is a cornerstone of sustainable food systems transformation. Ensuring access to nutritious food not only supports individual health and well-being but also enhances community and environmental resilience.

Increased nutritional value and diversity in food products can address malnutrition and support sustainable agricultural practices. Furthermore, prioritizing nutrient-rich, locally-sourced foods creates economic empowerment and employment opportunities for young women and disadvantaged urban youth.

Curious about how we turn
these thematic focuses
into actionable work?

Discover our projects