

with different youth organizations, educational institutions, development sector bodies, and more.

Joint proposals

for projects, policy briefs, education and capacity building programs. thematic projects, funding opportunities.

Workshops and events

at the community level, in national and regional activities, and in international advocacy and negotiating spaces.

Advocacy Spaces

Conferences and policy processes

○ YPARD's policy working group
○ Funded delegates to different youth conferences
○ Speaking opportunities in panels, discussions, and keynotes
○ Annual Meetings of youth networks and organizations
○ FAST Partnership board member
○ ECOSOC Youth Forum
○ Prepration webinar educational series with FAO,  YOUNGO and others

Community Solution Projects

Local and regional initiatives

○ Projects devised by YPARD members to tackle issues in their communities
○ Liaising with diverse stakeholders
○ Collaborating with educational institutes, foundations, networks
○ Interacting with local communities
○ Participating in knowledge sharing and capacity building sessions
○ Promoting entrepreneurship opportunities among young people

To know more about how we promote networking, check out our events.

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