8th National Youth Convention: “New Perspectives for Sustainable Agriculture & Livelihood Security”

About NYC

The 8th National Youth Convention will be held at Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during August 22-23, 2024. This convention revolves around the theme “New Perspectives for Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Security’’ plans to bring youth in the forefront, scientists, academicians, farmers, industry representatives, planners, and law makers together for generating and sharing ideas. Two-day conference consists of a plenary session, concurrent thematic sessions, Poster and oral presentation sessions and a valedictory session.


Session I : Digital Technologies for improving production system and livelihood Security and price volatility in globalized food markets

Session II : Sustainable Livestock Production for Livelihood Improvement

Session III : Hi-tech Horticulture and value addition

Session IV : Climate Resilient Agriculture

Session V : Livelihood, Pollution and Natural Resources Management

Session VI : Technological Intervention for ensuring fisheries production

Session VII : Initiatives for engaging youth in agriculture: Student, institute and government perspective

Abstract Submission for Souvenir/Abstract Book

Abstract/Papers are invited on the above themes. First author can present only one paper. Abstracts/Full-length paper should submit to Organizing Secretary, 8th NYC 2024

Submitted Abstract/Paper will be published in Souvenir/Abstract book.

Full Paper submission for Special issue of IJAEB (NAAS Score 2024: 4.92)
Full paper will be published in special issue of International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Biotechnology(IJAEB) entitled “Renovation in Agroecosystems under changing climate and digitization: Apparitions, Technologies and Actors”. Follow Journal guidelines at

Soft copy of published article will be provided to authors.

Note: Deadline for submission of abstract/Paper is 15.07.2024
Registration link: https://forms.gle/dEhy7pxreQoB7c1e9

Best Presentation Awards

'Best Presentation Award' will be conferred to the author(s) of an abstract presented in the conference. Award winners will be announced in valedictory function of the conference. The awardees will receive Best Paper Award / Best Presentation Award certificates and will be allowed to publish one article in AIASA Magazine “Agri Mirror: Future India” free of cost.

Who can Attend?

Designed for young researchers motivating rural youth towards agriculture, farmers, rural youth, UG, PG & Ph.D. scholars, Research Fellows, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and Teaching Assistants, Faculty Members, Scientists, Industry Representatives, Employers, Policy Strategists and Law Makers are invited to attend.

Technical Sessions

• Expert Lectures from Keynote speakers
• Technical Sessions for Oral and Poster Presentation
• Plenary and Concluding Sessions.


• Best Poster and oral Presentations in each theme

In addition, AIASA National Award 2022 and 2023 will also be conferred during 8th NYC.
Detailed guideline will be issued separately. The awards will be as follows:
1. AIASA National Award for Outstanding Leadership in Agriculture 2022 &2023 - 2 Award
2. Lifetime Achievement Award - 2022 & 2023- 2 Award
3. Best Vice-Chancellor Award 2022 and 2023- 2 Award
4. Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Award for Outstanding Master Research in Agricultural and Allied
Sciences - 4 Awards
5. Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Award for Outstanding Doctoral Research in Agricultural and Allied
Sciences - 4 Awards
6. Harit Ratna Awards 2022 & 2023 – 8 Awards
7. Krishi Jeevan Jyoti Award 2022 & 2023 – 2 Awards
8. Pragati Puraskar 2022 & 2023 – 2 Award
9. Student of the year Award 2022 & 2023-14 Awards (Zone wise)
10. AIASA Gold Medal 2022 & 2023-14 Awards (Zone wise)
11. Best Teacher Award 2022 & 2023- 2 Award
12. Young Scientist Award 2022 & 2023- 8 Awards
13. Harit Kranti Award 2022 & 2023 - 4 Awards
14. Harit Puraskar Award 2022 & 2023 - 10 Awards
15. Institution of Excellence Award 2022 & 2023- 8 Awards
16. AAWAHAN Awards-7 Awards (Zone Wise)


Start Date

August 22, 2024

End Date

August 23, 2024


Link to register

Click here to register

About the speaker


