Accessing Climate Finance: funding food systems projects

Zoom event | 22 March 2024 | 3.00 - 4.30pm CET

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About the event

Accessing climate action funds for youth-led initiatives presents challenges due to limited awareness and complex application processes, often deterring those with fewer resources. Stringent eligibility criteria further hinder access, potentially excluding deserving projects. Despite these hurdles, success stories demonstrate the impactful contributions of youth-led initiatives to environmental and community well-being.

To address these challenges, it's essential to facilitate partnerships, foster collaborations, and offer capacity-building programs to enhance proposal-writing skills. Advocacy for simplified application processes, increased funding earmarked for youth, and policy changes that prioritize youth inclusion can create a more accessible climate funding landscape.

This webinar will discuss how young professionals can tactfully approach climate financing, and the basic know-hows of accessing such funds. We will discuss some of the complex mechanisms that funding bodies often have, and how young professionals can turn these challenges into opportunities. We will hear from young professionals in our network who have successfully applied for climate finance for their projects.

About YPARD Global Cafes

A YPARD Global Cafe is a virtual/hybrid space of experience sharing and knowledge exchange among young practitioners in the agriculture and food systems sector. Contrary to regular webinars, a YPARD Global cafe is meant for speakers, presenters, and participants to engage in dialogues and discussions.

Please note:
We will be issuing ‘YPARD Knowledge Certification: Leadership and Project Management’ Certificates to all participants who attend at least 9 out of the 12 webinars held throughout this year.

Learn more about YPARD Global Cafes here.



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Link to register

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About the speaker


