Workshop on Communicating Science: How to effectively promote your work as a young researcher

As part of the Tropentag Conference, YPARD will offer an in-person Workshop on "Communicating Science: How to effectively promote your work as a young researcher"

Date: Tuesday, 13/09/2022, 14:00 – 17:00 h (CEST)

Contact: Glindys Virginia Luciano (YPARD) or
Stacy Hammond PhD. (YPARD Europe)

*To register for the workshop all you need to do is send an email to the contact people, please add "Tropentag Workshop" in the Subject.

The focus of this workshop is to provide young researchers in agrisciences with the tools needed to succeed in science communication and to take ownership of their research. Science communication emphasizes the importance of raising awareness, educating and informing the research community, and the general public on science-related topics, through means of accessible yet credible writing and speaking skills. This workshop will also create a space for intentional networking between the attendees and the organisers, as well as other invited partner organizations in the form of “Living Libraries”.

What is a living library?
When gathering information in a conventional library, the reader returns the book to the library and has no way of following up on any doubts or questions they may have (unless there is a sequel to the book of interest and even then more questions might arise). In the concept of a Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation that covers all aspects of a given topic (in this case Youth-Based Initiatives in the Agricultural Sector offered by the organizations representing each living library), and ensures that all doubts and questions are properly answered in an interactive way.

Main purpose of the workshop:

  • To provide concrete knowledge, skills, and best practices in science communication for young researchers in agrisciences and sustainable food systems;
  • To enable attendees and organizations to network and share information on specific youth-based initiatives each organization is conducting;
  • To enable the attendees to put into practice the skill and knowledge obtained in science communication using an interactive yet result-oriented system;
  • Put theory into practice by allowing workshop participants to practice and observe elevator pitching, through a practice session and living libraries, respectively.


  • YPARD – Young Professionals for Agricultural Development
  • AGRINATURA: The European Alliance on Agriculture Knowledge for Development
  • AGRISCI-UA: The AgriSciences Platform for Scientific Enhancement of HEIs in Ukraine
  • CZU Student Ambassadors FTA
  • IAAS: International Association of Agriculture and related sciences Students



Start Date

End Date


Link to register

Click here to register

About the speaker


