Youth4Capacity & Climate Generation: Becoming Climate Educators

Want to inspire your community and educate others about climate change? The Becoming Climate Educators workshop is for you! Join Lindsey Kirkland, educator and representative from Climate Generation, as she guides you through practical steps to become an impactful climate change educator. You’ll gain valuable insights into the power of education in driving climate action and leave equipped with tools to start educating your community.

With over a decade of experience, Climate Generation has been empowering educators and communities to advocate for climate solutions. In this session, you will explore Climate Generation’s Becoming a Climate Change Educator Toolkit, designed to help individuals like you get started in educating others on the importance of climate action.

This interactive workshop will include presentations, breakout discussions, and reflection activities, and it’s planned for 90 minutes. It will cover:

  • Why education is essential in tackling the climate crisis
  • The Becoming a Climate Change Educator Toolkit
  • How you can take action and engage your community



Start Date

September 24, 2024

End Date

September 24, 2024


14:00- 15:30 UTC

Link to register

Click here to register

About the speaker


