Irene Njoki represented YPARDKenya's recently in a speaking engagement at the Kenya National Farmers’ Federation Youth (KENAFF YOUNG) held on September 23rd, 2024.
Overview: The KENAFF YOUNG convention proved to be a significant platform for YPARDKenya to actively engage with key stakeholders in the agricultural sector, youth FARMERS, fostering meaningful connections and showcasing our commitment to youth involvement in agriculture.
Speaking Engagement: The panel session focused on ‘ agroecology and food sovereignty’, specifically , ‘empowering the youth to shape local food systems.’ The audience responded positively, and it provided an excellent opportunity to highlight the organization's goals and initiatives.
Call to action:
Key Takeaways:
In conclusion, the KENAFF YOUNG Convention was a valuable experience for YPARDKenya, looking forward to the opportunities that might emerge from our participation.