Date: April 20th, 2024                                              

Venue: Ministers Village Hotel, Uganda

Organizers: Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) Uganda

Supporting Organizations: Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers' Forum (ESAFF) Uganda and The Roddenberry Foundation


The Agroecology Training for Trainers (TOTs) took place on April 20th, 2024, at the Ministers Village Hotel in Uganda. This event was a collaborative effort between YPARD Uganda, ESAFF, and The Roddenberry Foundation. The primary aim of the training was to empower participants with the requisite knowledge and skills to serve as trainers in agroecology. Emphasis was placed on sustainable agricultural practices promoting biodiversity, resilience, and food sovereignty.


The training attracted a diverse cohort comprising YPARD members, including farmers, agronomists, environmentalists, and representatives from NGOs and academic institutions. Approximately 30 individuals actively participated, enriching the sessions with vibrant discussions and knowledge exchange.


Experienced agroecologists Ms. Naume Kalinaki and Mr. Ademu Andrew led the training sessions. Their expertise provided valuable insights and practical demonstrations throughout the program.

Certificates of Attendance:

Upon completion of the training, all participants received certificates of attendance, acknowledging their commitment to advancing their knowledge and skills in agroecology.


  1. Opening Session:
  • Welcome remarks by organizers
  • Introduction to the objectives and significance of agroecology
  1. Keynote Address:
  • Renowned expert in agroecology delivered a keynote speech, emphasizing the importance of sustainable farming practices.
  1. Session 1: Understanding Agroecology:
  • Overview of agroecological principles and concepts
  • Discussion on the ecological foundations of agroecology
  • Case studies showcasing successful agroecological practices
  1. Session 2: Agroecological Farming Techniques:
  • Introduction to agroforestry, intercropping, and crop rotation
  • Practical demonstrations and hands-on activities in the hotel's demonstration garden
  1. Session 4: Building Agroecological Communities:
  • Importance of knowledge-sharing networks and community collaboration
  • Formation of working groups to address specific challenges and opportunities
  1. Closing Session:
  • Recap of key takeaways from the training
  • Expression of gratitude to organizers, speakers, and participants
  • Award of certificates
  • Announcement of follow-up activities and resources


The Agroecology Training for Trainers equipped participants with a comprehensive understanding of agroecological principles and practical techniques for sustainable farming. Attendees gained insights into agricultural ecology and explored innovative approaches to address pressing issues such as soil degradation and climate change resilience. The training facilitated networking opportunities and inspired collective action toward building resilient and equitable food systems based on agroecological principles.


Special thanks to YPARD Uganda country Representatives Ajuna Tadeo and Daniel Kisekka, along with collaborators Mr. Charles Masereka and Paul Zaake. Gratitude is also extended to supporting organizations ESAFF Uganda and The Roddenberry Foundation for their invaluable contributions, both in-kind and financial, which ensured the success of the event.


The Agroecology Training for Trainers, organized by YPARD Uganda and supported by ESAFF Uganda and The Roddenberry Foundation, was a resounding success. By empowering participants to become trainers in agroecology, the event played a significant role in promoting sustainable farming practices in Uganda and beyond. The training underscored the importance of collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and capacity-building in advancing agroecology as a solution to global agricultural challenges.

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