YPARD Uzbekistan recently took center stage at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation's Young Leadership Program (YouLP) Alumni Reunion, showcasing the power of youth-driven initiatives in agriculture and garnering support from a diverse network of young professionals.

Held at the scenic Layner.uz Mountain Resort from September 2nd to 4th, the reunion brought together alumni from various fields, including finance, politics, law, healthcare, and education, all eager to contribute to a brighter future for Uzbekistan. YPARD Country Representative and YouLP alumnus Nuriddin Samatov seized this opportunity to highlight the crucial role of agriculture in Uzbekistan's development and underscore the importance of cross-sector collaboration.

Nuriddin's engaging presentation on behalf of YPARD Uzbekistan painted a vivid picture of YPARD's impact, showcasing how the organization is empowering young people to become drivers of innovation and sustainability in Uzbekistan's agricultural landscape as well as forthcoming initiatives of the YPARD Uzbekistan.

Nuriddin Samatov presenting YPARD Uzbekistan

The presentation sparked enthusiastic discussions amongst the alumni, who expressed a keen interest in learning more about YPARD's initiatives and how they could leverage their expertise to support its mission. Representatives from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the NGO Mahorat&Management also engaged in these discussions, highlighting the potential for future collaborations.

The event proved to be a crucial dissemination network for YPARD Uzbekistan, effectively raising awareness about its impactful work and sparking a wave of enthusiasm for its vision amongst a diverse and influential group of young leaders. By fostering connections and inspiring cross-sector collaboration, YPARD is cultivating a brighter and more sustainable future for agriculture in Uzbekistan.

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