We are thrilled to announce to the YPARD community that we have a new staff member! Valentina Martínez-Salazar is the new digital communications officer for YPARD GCU. Valentina was onboarding over a week ago and has already been proven to be an integral part of the team. 

Valentina Martínez-Salazar is a Colombian Biologist graduated from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She's currently finishing her Master in "Wildlife Management and Conservation" at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague at the Faculty of Tropical Agrisciences. Her main interests relate to animal behavior, ecology and conservation, especially of bats. Valentina is so passionate about the conservation of bats that she created a social media account to share information, that's when we knew that she was a natural digital communicator!

Welcome, Valentina to the YPARD community and the YPARD team looks forward to working with you! We also would like to thank our previous digital communications officer, Pius Hiwe, for his four years of service to YPARD. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors. 

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