It is our pleasure to welcome Oumarou HASSANE YACOUDIMA ABBA, Country Representative for YPARD Niger.

Oumarou is an Environmental Scientist with expertise in the interaction between nature and people for sustainable development. He specializes in managing the science-policy interface in areas such as biodiversity, ecosystem services, climate change, land use, and sustainable agriculture. He holds an MSc from the West African Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (WABES), now CABES, a program designed to support the IPBES work programme in Africa, hosted by the African Center of Excellence on Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Agriculture (CEA-CCBAD) in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, and the University of Bonn's ZEF-Research Center for Development.

Currently, Oumarou is a member of WABES/CABES, supporting the IPBES work programme in West, Central, and East Africa. He is also involved in the CCDP for professionals, enhancing engagement with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which focuses on natural resources management similar to the IPCC's role in global climate evolution. His expertise includes managing the science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services for sustainable development.

Additionally, Oumarou has experience in innovative land-use solutions for sustainable land management and human well-being in drylands, notably as a leader in the Great Green Wall (GGW) initiative, a collaboration between UNCCD and Desertec. He has strong skills in policy conceptualization, development, and implementation, particularly in sustainable environmental management. His work has supported the Executive Secretariat of CNEDD in Niger, contributing to the development of national policies aligned with international environmental agreements under the UN system, aimed at achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Oumarou has been involved in several important studies and consultancies, including developing project concept notes for the Green Climate Fund with the Global Center on Adaptation and evaluating a Sahelian regional project for the FAO in Niger and Burkina Faso. His passion lies in climate and land use changes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services for long-term environmental preservation to promote sustainable development.

Oumarou brings enthusiasm and energy to his role in YPARD, mobilizing young people to work toward sustainable agriculture, particularly in the context of climate change. His work in global, regional, and national youth organizations is vital to achieving these objectives.

Welcome, Oumarou!

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