The Africa Regional Coordinator of Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD), Kofi K. Acquaye, has been appointed to represent the youth of Africa on the Board of Governors of the Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN). This prestigious appointment was officially announced at the 2024 FANRPAN High-Level Regional Multi-stakeholder Policy Dialogue, held from August 6th to 8th in Lilongwe, Malawi.

The Board of Governors plays a crucial role in providing strategic direction for FANRPAN, fostering productive dialogue between the Network and its stakeholders, and exercising fiduciary and oversight responsibilities for the Network’s operations. The inclusion of a youth representative on the Board underscores FANRPAN’s commitment to inclusivity and the vital role of young professionals in shaping the future of Africa's agriculture and food systems.

For YPARD, this appointment is a significant milestone in its ongoing efforts to advocate for policies that support young professionals and ensure meaningful investment in their contributions to sustainable food systems. By filling the Youth Seat on FANRPAN's Board, YPARD is positioned to enhance FANRPAN’s capacity as a truly inclusive network that promotes multi-stakeholder engagement in the agricultural and food systems policy processes across Africa.


The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) is an all-inclusive multi-stakeholder pan-African network that provides independent evidence to inform and influence policy processes at national and regional levels. FANRPAN is a multi-tiered network consisting of a regional secretariat and established national nodes, currently present in 18 African countries , and growing. FANRPAN has nodes in all Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) member states. The network’s membership includes food, agriculture and natural resources (FANR) related government departments, parliamentarians, research and farmer organizations, private sector, civil society organizations and the media.

The objectives of FANRPAN include: Carrying out mutually agreed collaborative research activities; Publishing and disseminating research results; Providing technical support to national and regional programs; Providing access by the Government to database of information on policy-making, advocacy and dialogue, among others. FANRPAN also facilitates linkages and partnerships amongst institutions with related policy research and professional development activities.

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